Monday, September 30, 2019

Life Goals

There are many goals in my life that I would love to achieve. I am only 15 years old so I can’t write as much as someone twice my age so to say, but I strictly know my high school goals, college goals, career goals, and personal goals. As a 15 year old I have a lot already planned out so I will soon see how close I follow my goals. My first and most important high school goal I have is to finish school with a G. P. A. 3. 8 or higher. I can not stress enough how important this goal is to me, for this goal will enable me to a higher possibility of getting into the college of my choice.If I fail to complete this goal I will have to apply to less prestigious colleges, which will not be the best for my future career and personal goals. Freshman year I finished with a 3. 8 so that means I am already on the right path to maintaining a 3. 8, but that really isn’t my goal that’s just the lowest G. P. A. I will accept I really am aiming for a 4. 0 or higher due to my advan ced placement classes. I am most confident that I will be able to reach this goal with the help from teachers and family they will be a main factor in my high school career.There are still two more very important years of my high school life so I must study hard and work hard to reach this goal. This next goal has already been in my head since 8th grade I can say I am quite the worry wart, this goal is getting high SAT scores or ACT depending on what the college will require. So far I have taken the PSAT (preliminary SAT) to help me maintain and focus on this specific goal. Taking the PSAT has opened me up to what the SAT will be like in my junior year, also I have bought some practice SAT books to help my study.AVID is going to be a huge factor for my SAT prep I’ve been told that junior year in AVID Is all about SAT prep, so that will be a big step ahead of other competitors trying to attend the same college of my choice. This test will either make or break my college applic ation having a high SAT score makes the chance of getting into a competitive college even higher. I still have to take the SAT and study for it every chance I get. Getting into a prestigious medical school is my number one college goal.Of course I will have to attend a four year college before I do this, but I hope to get into the most competitive medical school I can. By reaching and achieving this goal it will make my career goals easier to overcome. I have started to research different medical schools also I have been focused on the medical schools with an accelerated program. To achieve this goal I have I will have to get my bachelors and master degrees, then I will continue on to accept my medical doctorate.I have talked to doctors about what college they went to and how long it took them to finish the accelerated program if they chose that option. I still need to go to college and be accepted into a medical school. After I receive my medical doctorate I would like to continue on and study a specialty specifically in dermatology which will allow me to say I’m a certified doctor in the medicine. This will also enable me to open a medical practice just for dermatology and guide patients with the correct medicine, creams, face scrub etc†¦In the ninth grade I did a project in Biology on dermatologist and I had to go around town and interview the local dermatologist this opened my eyes to what I would like to do with my life. I furthered my study after this project and this practice really caught my eye so to say, also my mom and I have came close friends with a dermatologist in town. I still need to go to college get my Bachelors degree and Masters then I have to get my M. D. then finally I could start my studies in dermatology!My sayings or morals that I live by are what my parents have been telling me my whole life, I live my personal life by hard work and respect these are the goals I would like to always have and live my life by. By working ha rd and respecting everything I feel like I will go far in life and do great things. The only way I will get to college is by hard work and respecting my teachers that take their time to lecture, show examples, and actually give time after school to give extra help.Everything I do in life I respect and I do it to the fullest at least I try to, not everything I do will be 100 percent accurate or always right, but I will take the time to get it right the next time. By having respect I will receive respect back and actually have people I could ask for help and get an eligible answer for my question. These are the two most important ideas I feel everyone should live by. My second personal goal is to when I actually have one of my own is to spend a lot of time with my family.This flashes back to my first personal goal by working hard I will most likely succeed in progressive career where I could set my own work hours and take vacations with my family. This goal will mean a whole lot more once I actually have a family of my own, but I would like to do as much as I can to be the best father and husband also to be supportive of everyone in my family. That is my reasoning on how to have a successful family with not as much stress as most family’s have. All in all these goals are all equal in importance to me, they will help me go places in life and help me achieve great things.I hope I achieve my goal of my grade point average then also get a high SAT score. Getting into medical school will broaden my career choice and also studying dermatology will choose my medical practice that I will embark on. Working hard and having respect for everything I do and say will make me a man people look up to and would like to be around, also having family time when I am older will make myself be the best father figure and husband for my wife and kids. Those are all my life goals that I would like to achieve in my future. Life Goals There are many goals in my life that I would love to achieve. I am only 15 years old so I can’t write as much as someone twice my age so to say, but I strictly know my high school goals, college goals, career goals, and personal goals. As a 15 year old I have a lot already planned out so I will soon see how close I follow my goals. My first and most important high school goal I have is to finish school with a G. P. A. 3. 8 or higher. I can not stress enough how important this goal is to me, for this goal will enable me to a higher possibility of getting into the college of my choice.If I fail to complete this goal I will have to apply to less prestigious colleges, which will not be the best for my future career and personal goals. Freshman year I finished with a 3. 8 so that means I am already on the right path to maintaining a 3. 8, but that really isn’t my goal that’s just the lowest G. P. A. I will accept I really am aiming for a 4. 0 or higher due to my advan ced placement classes. I am most confident that I will be able to reach this goal with the help from teachers and family they will be a main factor in my high school career.There are still two more very important years of my high school life so I must study hard and work hard to reach this goal. This next goal has already been in my head since 8th grade I can say I am quite the worry wart, this goal is getting high SAT scores or ACT depending on what the college will require. So far I have taken the PSAT (preliminary SAT) to help me maintain and focus on this specific goal. Taking the PSAT has opened me up to what the SAT will be like in my junior year, also I have bought some practice SAT books to help my study.AVID is going to be a huge factor for my SAT prep I’ve been told that junior year in AVID Is all about SAT prep, so that will be a big step ahead of other competitors trying to attend the same college of my choice. This test will either make or break my college applic ation having a high SAT score makes the chance of getting into a competitive college even higher. I still have to take the SAT and study for it every chance I get. Getting into a prestigious medical school is my number one college goal.Of course I will have to attend a four year college before I do this, but I hope to get into the most competitive medical school I can. By reaching and achieving this goal it will make my career goals easier to overcome. I have started to research different medical schools also I have been focused on the medical schools with an accelerated program. To achieve this goal I have I will have to get my bachelors and master degrees, then I will continue on to accept my medical doctorate.I have talked to doctors about what college they went to and how long it took them to finish the accelerated program if they chose that option. I still need to go to college and be accepted into a medical school. After I receive my medical doctorate I would like to continue on and study a specialty specifically in dermatology which will allow me to say I’m a certified doctor in the medicine. This will also enable me to open a medical practice just for dermatology and guide patients with the correct medicine, creams, face scrub etc†¦In the ninth grade I did a project in Biology on dermatologist and I had to go around town and interview the local dermatologist this opened my eyes to what I would like to do with my life. I furthered my study after this project and this practice really caught my eye so to say, also my mom and I have came close friends with a dermatologist in town. I still need to go to college get my Bachelors degree and Masters then I have to get my M. D. then finally I could start my studies in dermatology!My sayings or morals that I live by are what my parents have been telling me my whole life, I live my personal life by hard work and respect these are the goals I would like to always have and live my life by. By working ha rd and respecting everything I feel like I will go far in life and do great things. The only way I will get to college is by hard work and respecting my teachers that take their time to lecture, show examples, and actually give time after school to give extra help.Everything I do in life I respect and I do it to the fullest at least I try to, not everything I do will be 100 percent accurate or always right, but I will take the time to get it right the next time. By having respect I will receive respect back and actually have people I could ask for help and get an eligible answer for my question. These are the two most important ideas I feel everyone should live by. My second personal goal is to when I actually have one of my own is to spend a lot of time with my family.This flashes back to my first personal goal by working hard I will most likely succeed in progressive career where I could set my own work hours and take vacations with my family. This goal will mean a whole lot more once I actually have a family of my own, but I would like to do as much as I can to be the best father and husband also to be supportive of everyone in my family. That is my reasoning on how to have a successful family with not as much stress as most family’s have. All in all these goals are all equal in importance to me, they will help me go places in life and help me achieve great things.I hope I achieve my goal of my grade point average then also get a high SAT score. Getting into medical school will broaden my career choice and also studying dermatology will choose my medical practice that I will embark on. Working hard and having respect for everything I do and say will make me a man people look up to and would like to be around, also having family time when I am older will make myself be the best father figure and husband for my wife and kids. Those are all my life goals that I would like to achieve in my future.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Domestic violence against women Essay

Among the different causes of injury to women, domestic violence tops the list, ahead of other causes such as rapes, mugging or even car accidents. According to recent reports by the CDC, there is an abuse of about 15 million children and women annually. Domestic violence lowers human dignity, and therefore, the whole world should come out and condemn it in the strongest terms possible. Many people argue that the women, who are mostly the victims of domestic violence, should also not keep silent about it to protect their spouses, but rather report them to the relevant authorities for the appropriate actions to be taken against the perpetrators. However, that would not be a complete solution to the problem. As a matter of fact, it puts the woman in more danger of a violent attack or even murder, should the man get freed, because they are likely to revenge the actions of the woman through violence. To solve the problem of domestic violence, the procedure has to begin from childhood. The children should be taught how to relate to others in a relationship from a young age at home. But the problem is that domestic violence begins at home, and the children who grow in families with regular violence, are likely to behave the same way in future, to their own families. Therefore, these lessons should be taught at school. Besides teaching our kids about science, mathematics, languages, and technology alone, they should also be taught about relationship skills. This helps them to understand the importance of love and the dignity of humans, deterring them from getting involved in domestic violence in the future. This can be a very effective way of dealing with domestic violence. Let us face it, is almost impossible to rehabilitate domestic violence offenders so that they can live peacefully with their families. Statistics indicate that perpetrators of domestic savagery have repeated the act more than once, and continue to threaten the victim of assault, should they dare counteract. Therefore, teaching a child early enough about relationship skills can be very beneficial to them in future, as they will have the knowledge to understand conflicting situations; making the right decisions and taking the right actions concerning them. The children should also not be exposed to a situation of domestic violence, and those in families with such problems should better be raised away from such an environment. We all have the power and ability to influence a stop to domestic violence. We need to speak about it openly, rather than hiding it. Many people suffer every day from domestic violence, but they are afraid to let it known to people because they fear revenge from the offenders. They are also made to feel that they are at fault for their suffrage. And people will always ask why they do not just walk out of the relationship, without considering the possible consequences they might suffer. Many victims who have broken their relationships because of domestic violence have ended up getting killed by their ex-boyfriends or husbands. There is also stalking of the victims, after they move on, or get married by other people. Therefore, we just ought to make a change, starting with ourselves, in respecting our relationships and our partners. Teaching our children early about relationship skills and raising them in a violence-free environment will in future give rise to a new generation of nonviolent husbands and wives. This is possible if we commit ourselves to making it happen. According to recent researches, children raised in families with domestic violence are more likely to be violent in future to their partners, than the children raised in nonviolent families. This implies that when the children grow up, they develop the characters that they were exposed to. Domestic violence can only thrive when we are silent about it, but when we all team up together to eliminate it, it can no longer be a subject of discussion. It is never late to act against a problem, and similarly, there is much that we can do right now and long into the future, concerning domestic violence. We can start by raising awareness about the issue and letting our family and friends know that we never will tolerate domestic violence and that they should stand together with us in its fight. There also are programs that have been formed to combat domestic violence, which we can support, in order to continue with the efforts of ending the matter in the long run. A difference can only be made when we stand together.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Can the British Be Proud of Their Empire?

Can the British be proud of their Empire? Britain had the largest empire in the world, by 1900. They were ruling an estimated 25% of the globe, but just because Britain had the most power, it doesn’t mean that they used it for the best. For example, Rani Lakshmi, was an Indian Princess and when her husband died the British took his land, and the natives had no say in the matter. The British also tried to change their customs even though they didn’t want them changed. The Indians tried to fight against the British and drive them out of India, but they failed. They also punished survivors and fired cannon balls through them at a close range! On the other hand, Mrs Mary Calvert, was a Christian Missionary and sailed to Fuji with her husband and tried to change the native’s ways, as they would chop someone’s fingers off if they stole something, or if a woman’s husband died the woman would have been strangled. So Mrs Mary Calvert changed the natives, so as Christians they would stop their terrible ways. But there were many people and tribes that the British helped but many were taken for advantage. Like Chief Lobengula. He was an African Chief and was asked by the British if they could use some of his land for gold mining, in exchange for tools and guns. But the British took it too far and stole more land, and used it to build mines and farms. The Chief tried to fight against the British, but they were killed, and they took all of their land. Lord Dalhouse, was a British politician, tried to develop the Indians way of life by building roads, railways, schools, and postal systems. He also tried to stop bad Indian customs, for example when a woman’s husband died she would be burnt. But he also made Indians follow the British way of life. Cecil Rhodes, was a businessman and went to live in South Africa and mined for gold, diamonds and other minerals. But crushed any African Tribes that got in the way. Chief Crowfoot, a Chief of a tribe in Canada refused to fight against the British, the Queen said thanks and built them a railway. But since the railway came there were more English people coming and very few of his people were left. Mary Prince was born in the West Indies, she became a poor black slave and was sold several times. Some masters whipped her and others abused her. One master took her to England in 1828 but she ran away. But when she left and tried to get a job, she was always given the worst, just like all blacks. I think that the British should be proud of their empire in a way, but I think the should be ashamed of what they have done too, because they haven’t always treated everyone in another country with respect or their customs and assumed that others should follow the British way of living. But because of that many tribes and cultures were destroyed.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Conflict at Disney Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict at Disney - Case Study Example Three stages of conflict are perceived, felt, and manifest conflict. Dysfunctional conflicts – Michael Eisner Conflicts in organizations are detrimental to the productivity of a company. During the tenured of Michael Eisner as CEO of Walt Disney Company his management style and personality clashed with a lot of key internal and external stakeholders. People skills are a critical success factor for managers today. The interpersonal conflicts he trigged became so distractive that it led to his demise as CEO of the company. Effective communications and managerial communication skills positively influence effective organizational behavior (Kondrat, 2009). Mr. Eisner created problems and conflicts with a lot of key and powerful players in Disney’s power hierarchy. I would categorize the conflicts Eisner had with the Weinstein brothers, the two board members, and Steve Jobs as dysfunctional. Dysfunctional conflict is an undesirable business practice because it hurts the moral e of the company and it lowers the productivity of the employees. It also disrupts the corporate culture of an enterprise. Some of the reasons dysfunctional conflict arises is associated with organization’s structure, policies, and processes (Landau, 2004). This type of conflict can be instigated by a person that does not listen to what others have to say and impose his belief system on others. The disruptive leader at Disney was its former CEO, Michael Eisner. Harvey and Bob Weinstein were key business partners of the company. They were the founders of Miramax which was a company of interest to Disney because the company negotiated the purchase of copyrights from them valued at over $2 billion. Michael Eisner made a mess of the negotiations and ended up causing a conflict over the financial details of the deal that had the potential of leading to a lawsuit. Lawsuits are an undesirable business outcome because it hurts the public image of a company. Eisner’s blunder wi th the Weinstein brother was not his only incident of dysfunctional conflict. During his tenured as CEO he was often confrontational and fought with two members of the board of directors, Roy Disney and Stanley Gold. These two board members often publicly criticized Eisner and on many occasions called for his resignation. The actions of Eisner were undesirable because the executive management team is supposed to work in alliance with the board of directors to accomplish the mission and goals of a corporation. A third dysfunctional conflict that Eisner instigated was with Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was the CEO of the animated producer Pixar. Michael Eisner publicly disrespected Steve Jobs and his company in front of Congress. After that incident the feud escalated and Jobs wanted to cut his relationship with Disney. In the end Michael Eisner was fired from his position at Disney due to his inability to build positive relationships with important customers and other power figures at Disne y. His actions led to the manifestation of several dysfunctional conflicts. Dysfunctional conflicts are risky due to the fact that they can escalate and lead to bigger problems for a company (Businessknowledgesource, 2010). Conflict with Steve Jobs – conflict stage Michael Eisner did a terrible job in his relationship with Steve Jobs. Steve was a very powerful player both in the computer and film industry. He had several disputes and conflicts with Steve in regards to their business

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lewis and Clark expediation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lewis and Clark expediation - Essay Example e expedition, Native Americans’ land was viewed as a mere continuation of American territory, with the Americans seeking to enlarge their territory by acquiring the Native Americans’ land. However, the Native Americans were primarily not objective towards the expedition seeing it as a way of enhancing trade relations with America, thereby increasing their access to commodities. Most Native groups cooperated with the discovery team by serving as the latter’s interpreters and guides, for instance, the Lewis and Clark led expedition include the Mandans, who grew corn on their land and resided in earth lodges. This group of natives agreed to trade with America and assisted the discovery team in finding food, accommodation and provided protection to the team. In addition, other groups of cooperative natives were the Sioux, the Hidatsa, the Chinook, Shoshone and the Arikara. All these groups had a positive impact on the success of the expedition and assisted the discov ery team in creating rapport with other groups (DeVoto, 1953, 29). One of the most notable Native American who assisted the expedition team was Sacajawea, wife to one of the hired Natives. Sacajawea played a key role in maintaining amiable relations between the team and other Native groups. However, there were some Native American groups that were not quite cooperative and who sought to have the discovery team expelled from their land through all necessary means, including warfare (Neuberger, 1962, 15). For instance, the Piegan  Blackfoot  warriors, whom the expedition team encountered at the Marias River. The expedition team was forced to retreat from the Piegan’s land for fear of attack when the Native group attempted to forcefully acquire the team’s weapons. The Lewis and Clark expedition had a major effect on the U.S policy towards Native Americans. U.S considered Native Americans in two conflicting ways that are Native Americans were either United States’ enemies during war, or they were

International Business Walmart case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Business Walmart case study - Essay Example As such, it is worthwhile to analyze the prospective of Wal-Mart in South Africa by first considering the four dimensions of distance between the U.S. and South Africa as well as the disadvantages and disadvantages of Wal-Mart in South Africa using Eclectic Paradigm as it will be delineated in this discussion. The distance between the U.S. and South Africa can be considered through four dimensions: cultural, political, geographic and economic distance. Firstly, the cultural distance deals with the cultural attributes, which are very essential in determining the manner in which individuals will interact with each other as well as with companies (Ghemawat, 2001). Whereas the majority of the inhabitants of the U.S. are whites, blacks are predominant in South Africa. The U.S. is an English speaking nation, whereas South Africans speak isiZulu language to a greater extent in trivial English. Also, in the U.S., the Protestant, and Catholic religions are prevalent while, on the other hand, Protestant and other Christian religions are prevalent in South Africa. Secondly, the political distance between the U.S and South Africa is eminent in the sense that they do not share a common currency: U.S. dollar for the U.S. and the South African rand for South Africa. Thirdly, the geographical distance be tween the two countries exists in terms of geographical size, climate, and population. The U.S. covers a geographical area of 9,826,675 square kilometers (sq. Km) whereas South Africa traces the U.S. with 1,219,090 sq. Km in geographical size. Besides, the U.S. has a temperate climate, which is different from the semiarid climate in South Africa. Additionally, the U.S. has a population of 316,668,567 whereas South Africa has 48,601,098. Lastly, the economic distance between the U.S. and South Africa is apparent from the GDP per capita, $ 50,000 for the U.S and $11,400 for South Africa, the real GDP

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The causes of world war I Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The causes of world war I - Research Paper Example World War 1 was by caused the diplomatic clashes that occurred between some of the great powers from countries such as Italy, the Austro Hungarian Empire, Germany and the British Empire. These countries clashed over some European and colonial issues causing high tension. The diplomatic clashes might have resulted in a change to power balance in Europe. One source of dispute was over the Balkans territory. This tension was caused by the competition between Austria Hungary, Serbia and Russia over the territory. There are many events that are thought to have triggered the war, which include national politics, assassination, economics and cultures, complex webs of alliances and counterbalances, which were developed with some of the European powers in the year 1870. There are some domestic political factors that may have resulted to the war. They include such factors as German domestic politics. This involved politics between parties such as Social Democratic Party, which had a significant impact on the elections that took place in Germany in the year 1912. The government in Germany was dominated Prussian Junkers; they were the Prussian landowning gentry, who controlled Prussia. This led to increased fear as a result of the rise of left wing parties. It is with such fear that Fritz Fischer thought an external war would distract the population resulting to support for the government.1 Germany might have been ambivalent about the war with the worry that if the Germans lost the war, Germany woul d have faced disastrous consequences, which include a drop of the economy and a shortage of raw materials. Another domestic factor that might have contributed to the war was French domestic politics. The loss of the Alsace-Lorraine resulted to increased anger among the French. France being compelled to pay large reparation to Germany in the year 1870 was seen as a source of humiliation in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hitler and Germany Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hitler and Germany - Term Paper Example During the World War II, the young scientist served in British intelligence. As soon as the war ended, he was delegated to Berlin. It was Trevor-Roper, who was appointed as the head of the British commission, investigating the circumstances of the death of Hitler. As the result of this work, he published a range of the authoritative studies of the Nazi Germany, among which was Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944. According to Trevor-Roper’s edition, Hitler covered a range of questions and issues that, to his opinion, were crucial for the Nazi Germany, its supremacy in the world, and justification of the regime. The current essay will discuss one of these topics: the status of religion, particularly Christianity, according to Nazi leader and Nazi regime. Christianity was in the deep conflict with the racist ideology of Nazism. It is clearly illustrated by the religious beliefs of Hitler. He was born in the Catholic family, but idealized antiquity. The leader of Nazi rejected the Christian religion for the following reasons: Christianity protected the weak and downtrodden; Christianity had Jewish roots; forces people to bend by the sound of church bells; the first Christians were sick, exhausted, and desperate people (Trevor-Roper 78); the Christian dogma of forgiveness of sin, resurrection, and salvation seemed utterly absurd to the Nazi; Christian compassion was unworthy and harmful to the ideology of the strength of spirit (Trevor-Roper 397); the Christian idea of love to the neighbor was not relevant for Nazi ideology, because it paralyzed man; the Christian idea of equality protected the racially inferior and weak people that were unwanted in Nazi opinion. Initially, the Nazi party program contained a grain of Christian ideas. H owever, Christian commandments could not get along in one party program with strict racist principles. Soon, the religious values had been completely suppressed by the revived Nordic values and the idea of super-human. When

Monday, September 23, 2019

Changing of International Order in the Last Century Essay

Changing of International Order in the Last Century - Essay Example This paper argues that changes in international order were in a way that people attained more rights and powers over their day to day life, and states improved their international relations. In the first section, the paper will address various concepts of international order. Subsequent sections will discuss factors contributed to the international order change over the last century. International order changes Historically, it is observed that global countries depend on each other for trading activities, technological and education progress, and infrastructure development. The emergence of globalisation greatly contributed to increased interaction between global countries. Scholars opine that the concept of international order creates a link between economic and political dimensions as political stability significantly influences a country’s economic landscape. Generally, concepts of international order give specific focus to states and consider war as a vital evil to be exor cised. Evidently, wars can make notable changes to the international order. â€Å"One widespread notion of international order equates order with international stability, that is, stable, predictable and controlled relations between states, in which turbulence, chaos and violence are largely (though not necessarily completely) absent† (Maull, 2005, p.94). ... To illustrate, the constructivism theory connected the evolution of international order to international relations. As discussed earlier, wars can have a great influence on the international order. Evidently, the World Wars I & II notably changed the international order. Although the World War I was considered the ‘War to End All Wars’, it directly led to World War II. These two World Wars significantly fuelled the international order changes over the last century. Many authors opine that the interwar period was characterised with radical changes in the international order and it observed notable changes in the balance of power approach that had existed in the pre-World War I Europe. According to Ikenberry (2008), the World Wars led to the advent of the American era which in turn contributed to the formation of post-World War II international order. Throughout the post-World War II international order, an American dominance has been evident. Significant changes in the in ternational order over the last century can be attributed to many structural changes in the global context and other global developments. Evidently, changes in the Soviet Union and Europe were a prime cause for international order changes occurred during the last century. The changes in East-West relations emerged over the last century could be directly ascribed to Soviet Union, specifically the presidency exercised by Gorbachev. Sociologists point out that domestic reforms including ‘perestroika and glasnost’ executed by Gorbachev and Soviet foreign policy ‘new thinking’ markedly contributed to the development of a new international order. It is an undisputed fact that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

IST Implementation Essay Example for Free

IST Implementation Essay Once the system is created, it is important to test the system, this is so I can discover any faults within the system and to make sure that I have met the end user requirements The system will be tested with: normal data ( data which is the normal to test) Extreme data ( data which is exceeded test range) Erroneous data( data which is totally wrong to test) Macro testing Formula testing- formulas must be correct and linked to specific cells VLookups- must be correct and linked to specific cells the lay out of the test pan will be in table format , illustrating each test as fully as possible at this stage . the plan will include the following column heading:# test no . test criteria what is to be tested test purpose why is it been tested data what data is used to [perform the test ie. Normal extreme expected outcomes actual outcome i will produce evidence of my test results by illustrating each one with screen shots and all will be cross referenced and annotated properly this will be shown after the implementation is done . Testing User interface Test number Test criteria Test purpose Expected outcome Actual outcome 1 Click the command button stock list To check the stock table opens The overall stock sheet should open The stock list worksheet opens 2 Click the command button customer details To check the customer details opens The overall customer details should open The customer details worksheet opens 3 Click the command button Build your own pc To check the Build your own pc opens The overall Build your own pc should open The Build your own pc worksheet opens 4 Click the command button Invoice To check the Invoice opens The overall Invoice should open The Invoice worksheet opens 5 Click the command button Exit To check the Exit worksheet opens The overall Exit worksheet should open The worksheet exits and saves as requested 6 Click the command button HELP To check the help button /Vba opens The help button should open with a message box The help button opens showing a message box Screen shots of Testing : Test number 1 The user clicks on the stock list button and the stock list worksheet opens: As you can see below the worksheet stock list opens and works Test number 2 The user clicks on the stock list button and the customer details worksheet opens: As you can see below the worksheet customer details opens and works Test number 3 The user clicks on the stock list button and the Build your own pc worksheet opens: As you can see below the worksheet customer details opens and works Test number 4 The user clicks on the stock list button and the invoice worksheet opens: As you can see below the worksheet invoice opens and works: Test number 5 1) the user clicks on the command button exit below is what message box appears this give us 2 options. If I dint want to exit excel is would click no and the message box that will appear is : If I clicked yes my work would get saved and it would exit my worksheet . Test number 6 The user clicks on the command button (a) help a message box should appear as shown below (a) As you can see below the help button opens . Test number 7 The user clicks on the homage button (1) and the homepage worksheet will open (2) (1)Homepage button (2) as you can see below the homepage opens once the homage navigation button has been clicked Test number 8 The user clicks on the worksheet button invoice (1)as shown below and the following will show(2) (1)user clicks the button (2) As you can see below the invoice worksheet opens Test number 9 Stock list worksheet Test number Test criteria Test purpose Expected outcome Actual outcome 7 Click the command button home page To check the if the button goes to the home page The homepage should open The homepage worksheet should open 8 Click the command button invoice To check the Invoice opens The overall Invoice should open The Invoice worksheet opens 9 Click the command button hide grid lines To check if the gridlines disappear when clicked The grid lines should disappear The grid lines did not show on the worksheet 10 Click the command button show grid lines To check the button shows the gridlines The gridlines should show The gridlines show on the worksheet 11 Click the command button print To check the button prints the worksheet out The stockist worksheet should print out The worksheet printed out . Customer details(worksheet) Test number Test criteria Test purpose Expected outcome Actual outcome 11 12 13 14 15 Design your own pc (worksheet) Test number Test criteria Test purpose Expected outcome Actual outcome 16 17 18 19 20 Invoice(worksheet) Test number Test criteria Test purpose Expected outcome Actual outcome 21 22 23 24 25 Implementation User interface To set up my new computer system I need to use a spreadsheet software package and so I choose to use Microsoft excel. I used this software as it is simple to use for setting up and provides the most commonly used spreadsheet package . This means that the most of the people who are able to use the pc and use Excel , and I know that the employees at PC systems who will be using the system can use the software . I collected the data for the spreadsheet by contacting Pc Systems contacting office , materials and extra and for the pc parts and other information I used from the PC Systems website. How to record the macros on the user interface and all pages Firstly I used clip are as shown below to get the pictures for my user interface: Below is how I opened the clipart menu Once the clip are menu is opened I searched for the following items for the pictures to come up that I used for my interface clip art menu The following clip art images I used for my interface as shown below MACROS Once the pictures are in place I now can record the macros I need to navigate around the spreadsheet as shown below . Step 1 : Firstly I needed to click on tools then macro and then record new macro as shown below Step 2 Then I give a name for my macro .eg macro 1 then press OK Step 3 Now you will see a little play and pause button icon as shown below Step 4 Now I have to select the destination of the macro as you can see at the bottom of the worksheets there are named worksheets eg when I made the customer details macro I will do the following as shown below. Once customer details has been selected I then clicked stop on the macro button as shown below . Step 5 once I had clicked stop I then clicked on the picture which was relevant to customer details as shown below then right click on the picture and select assign macro as shown here Step 6 Then once it has opened now I will select the macro I have just made to link it with the button as show below Once macro 1 is found then click OK and the macro works and it links to the customer worksheet. I did this to all my macros which are link on the user inter face as shown below I used the same method on all 4 of them. I also have navigation buttons on the other worksheets to return to the user interface so the user can move around my spreadsheet quick and efficiently. VBA code : Vba code is useful for producing message boxes , and are easy to do as shown below and again they are linked to my picture Help I opened vba up as by pressing ALT, F11 together and this screen should appear: (1) (2) entering the code as shown below into vba . I have included the following message for the user so if they have problems with the software or with any formulas or buttons they can contact the helpline so I can help them and guide them in the write direction . Now right click on the picture as I said before and assign macro and then choose helpline and once it is done the outcome is Now I am going to make an exit button using vba so the user can exit excel immediately and saving there work at the same time .using this button below .this method is used again by right clicking on the picture and assigning the macro as shown below : Then open up VBA as shown above. Now enter the code as shown below Once this coded is entered I linked it with my button as shown in the other example and the out come should be as shown below ..first click on the exit icon then this message box will appear If no then If yes then application quits successfully. Named ranges Once I have entered the stock information into my spreadsheet I need to name the ranges to use them in a v look up .to make it easier for the use to make calculations and search for the criteria needed to run the system correctly Step 1 I highlighted customer details as shown below Then I named the highlighted items customerddd as shown below using the toolbar as shown below :then I pressed enter so that it confirms that the name has been changed and is saved . I used this method to name all of my ranges and named them appropriately. To show all of the named ranges I did the following InserName define Then this toolbox opens showing all the named ranges and the formulas in the specific range as shown below . here you can add names and delete them . V-look ups Combo boxes A combo box sometimes called a drop down box is a list of items from which you can choose one item of data.To open the combo box menu I needed to right click on the mouse and select forms as shown below : Once I have clicked on the forms the menu below opened : As shown above I then selected the combo box item, then I drew the combo box in the correct column to make it look professional as shown below . Once I drew the combo boxes they need to be linked to a Vlookup and I need to format the control to link with the specific sell eg, product number as shown below(2) (1) (2) First I had to right click on the combo box and select the format control as shown below Spinners A spinner button enables you to increase or decrease the value of a number in a cell by clicking the control. firstly I right clicked on the excel tool bar and selected forms as shown below . Then I selected the spinner from this menu choice as shown below . Then I drew the spinner on my spreadsheet as shown below : Then I needed to format the spinner to a specific cell to make calculations as shown below .i firstly right clicked on the spinner and the menu below appeared I then selected format control as shown below and the following message box appeared . Evaluation In my evaluation I will first of all consider each of the end user requirements stated in the specification in turn and my objectives , and evaluate the success of below are my general objectives Start up screen and Homepage buttons and links to all the pages back and forth . I have met this objective as My spreadsheet has a start up screen and various buttons which were requested by the user so the user can move around the spreadsheet efficiently and are able to open and close worksheets also there are 2 other buttons which I used vb code so if the user gets stuck or damages the spreadsheet they contact the help line also there is a save and exit button which will make a back up of the work for future reference and a print button eg. For the output of the invoice as needed which will save a lot of time compared to the old system where everything is done by paper and when a record needs to be found it took a long time and even got lost on the other hand the spreadsheet saves records and time and is much more reliable and efficient compared to the old system Various work sheets such as , hardware sheet ,invoice sheet etc I have met this objective as there are 4 separate work sheets to separate the collection of data (stock) and the output(invoice) 4 separate sheets helps the user move around the interface smoothly as he can open and close the preferred work sheet as needed Automatically store customer details and what they have bought. Once item is bought it is taken away from the stock. Protect the work sheet so no formulas can be altered by the user . Use formulas to calculate total cost and vat etc Labels to help the customer when moving on to a button option boxes to let the user choose the best product eg memory for them Limitations In the system there are various limitations I have recognised. In one of my validations it wasnt accurate as when I typed in incorrect data the error message wasnt displayed . this would then create inaccurate data as the user wouldnt be aware of there mistakes Improvements In the system there are various improvements that can be made to improve the overall system Also to improve my system I would create a separate spreadsheet that contains each customers details of the products they have previously bought and what they have ordered so the end user knows what the existing customers have bought so the user can deciide to give discount for spending so much money etc valuable customer. End user comments I arranged a meeting with mr Anderson who will be using the system to see how he feels about It and helps reduce work load that he originally had to do . I first of all gave the end user a couple of days to familiarise to the new system Here are the end user comments : * The deign is practical and doesnt irate the eyes the colour is restful and doesnt distract the users attention . * Navigation is easy , as is adding and deleting information * Alternating through the worksheets are very easy * The out out of the system (the invoice) are very organise and very consistant * The macros , formulas and v look ups help reduce lots of manual imput which saves time . * There are few errors made as validation used on different data helps keep data accurate and up to date My overall comments I think my design is reliable and easy to use , there are only a few things that I can change and they are mentioned in my improvements , I think I have reduced massed amounts of user input compared to the paper work what they had to do before which took allot of time and effort , also the system looks professional and is very efficient and is very user friendly. User guide Contents page Description Page Introduction / Installing / Opening the system Functions of the user interface Customer sheet Entering customer details Deleting customer details Introduction Welcome to the Invoicing System. This system has been created so that you can create an invoice in a seconds compared to the paper work that you used to do. Installation The system works directly off the USB memory stick, or alternatively you can copy it to the computer and run it from your computer. Simply press ctrl c on the Invoicing System file, and then press ctrl v in on the hardrive or in my documents on your computer Opening the spreadsheet system * Insert the USB stick . * Next, click on My Computer * Next, open the memory stick (a). If the logo is not there then wait for a couple of minutes as computer may be trying to detect the key or press F5 to refresh the page to help the computer detect the inputted device . then click on the invoice system (b) and open the file (A) (b) Once the system has been opened the following pop up will appear about the security of the spreadsheet on the screen as shown below If this is presented then simply click on Enable Macros. This will activate the buttons in your spreadsheet . but if you click disable the spreadsheet will open but the macro buttons will not work which will effect the spreadsheets efficiency (C)The screen below will be presented once the spreadsheet has opened below : User interface The user interface is the heart of the system which allows you to access the invoice system, and to access the stock list and access the customers list and allow users to choose what they would like to buy. To do this, simply click on the buttons at the top of the screen. These buttons are on all sheets, in the same place and with the same names, they will all open their appropriate areas when you click on them and do the tasks the same . Customers To enter the customers details into the system, you will first need to select the button from any area. This will open up the customers sheet which should look something like the one below.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What is Law?

What is Law? Law, in its widest sense, means and involves a uniformity of behavior, a constancy of happenings or a cause of events, rules of action, whether in the phenomena of nature or in the ways rational human beings. In its general sense law means an order of the universe, of events, of things or actions. In simple words, Law may be referred to as a body of rules that are determined and enforced by the state and that are intended to channel behaviour and to resolve certain adverse events. Thus a legal rule might forbid littering in a park and impose a Rs 500/- fine for its violation, might impose expectation damages for violation of a contract, or might declare murder a crime and punish it with a sentence of atleast of 10 years of imprisonment.[1] The effectiveness of law enforcement depends, other things being equal, on the magnitude of sanctions and on the probability with which they are imposed for violations. The magnitude of sanctions is chosen by the state and can be as high as the wealth of violator if monetary and as a life term if imprisonment. The probability of sanctions depends on the actions of private parties who might bring the suit if the violation is civil and on effort of public enforcement agents, otherwise.[2] Keeping a practical view in mind it is necessary to look into some definitions of law. Definations of Law: According to Salmond â€Å"the law may be defined as the body of the principles recognized and applied by the State in the administration of justice†. According to Austin, â€Å"A law, in the strict sense, is a general command of the sovereign individual or the sovereign body, issued to those in subjectivity and enforced by the physical power of the State. According to Austin, â€Å"law is the aggregate of rules set by men as politically superior or sovereign to men as politically subject†. According to Duguit, law is essentially and exclusively a social fact. It is in no sense a body of rules laying down rights. Foundation of law is in the essential requirements of the community life. Thus Duguits definition gives a moral dimension to law. Holmes J. says that â€Å"the prophesy of what Courts will do, in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by law†. While Dias says, â€Å"Law consists largely of ‘ought’ (normative) propositions prescribing how people ought to behave. The ‘oughts’ of laws are variously dictated by social, moral, economic, political and other purposes†. Thus some definitions ascribe a moral quality to law while some don’t do so expressly. Thus it is necessary to look into what is morality. What is morality? Morality may be defined as Conformance to a recognized code, doctrine, or system of rules of what is right or wrong and to behave accordingly. No system of morality is accepted as universal, and the answers to the question What is morality? differ sharply from place to place, group to group, and time to time. For some it means conscious and deliberate effort in guiding ones conduct by reason based on fairness and religious beliefs. For others it is, what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.†[3] Morality may be equated with order and has as its object human actions that are ordered to one another and to some end. The idea of value (good or end) is the crux of any moral system since the concept of value is a primary concept in the order of our practical concepts, i.e., ultimate in its genus. Hence the moral act is a combination of the subject that makes the act (rational and free act) and the object that is intended (objective goods and values that result from this activity); objectively the moral act is made up of three elements-the object, the end and the circumstance. Therefore rational human nature is the norm of morality, and morality is the transformation of a known order of values. To put it quite succinctly, morality is nothing more than conformity with the rule which regulates human life: namely, the rule of reason. Thus the essence of morality is mans approach to his goal; mans particular goal is the perfection of his spiritual and moral nature and his ultimate goal is union with God.[4] In general a moral rule has it that, when a person obeys the rule, he will tend to feel the sentiment known as virtue, and if he disobeys the rule he will feel the sentiment known as guilt. A moral rule also has the property that, when a person obeys a rule and is observed to have done so by another party, that party may bestow praise on the first party who will enjoy the praise; and if the person disobeys the rule and is observed to have done so by another party, the second party will tend to disapprove the first party, who will dislike the disapproval.[5] Enforcement of moral rules comes about through internal incentives of virtue for obeying the rules and guilt for not doing so. Enforcement is also effected by external incentives, such as if a person believes that his conduct will be observed by others, who will reward him with praise for doing good or chastise him for not doing so, he will be lead to do good.[6] The effectiveness of enforcement of moral rules depends in part on the magnitude of moral incentives, i.e. on how much guilt and virtue, and admonition and praise, matter to individuals. The degree to which they matter is shaped by, and determined hand in hand with, socialization and inculcation that governs the absorption of rules themselves. In any case moral sanctions have definite limits. The effectiveness of moral incentives also depends on their likelihood of application, in respect to which one must distinguish the internal from the external moral incentives. The internal incentives of guilt and virtue function automatically for a person knows what he does and cannot hide from it. By contrast external incentives operate only if others observe conduct and respond with praise or disapproval.[7] Thus, with a basic idea of morality being presented, it is necessary to look into the relation between law and morality. A COMPARISION OF LAW AND MORALITY Law brings with itself some reflections of public morality, but can law be separated from morality? The relation between law and morality can beb understood only after looking at the views of Hart, Fuller and Benthem. Broadly there are two schools, the positivist, which feels that law and morality can be separated and the naturalist which feels the the two are inseperable. Gustav Radbruch, a Jew by birth lived in Germany prior to Second World War. He was a firm believer in â€Å"positivist† doctrine. After seeing the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi regime on the Jews under Nazi laws he changed his belief and became a staunch supporter of Natural Law Theory and exhorted everybody to discard the doctrine of the separation of law and morals.[8] This was also a provocation for Prof Hart to initiate this discourse. The conflicts faced by the German jurists in post war Germany, is well illustrated by a category of cases which may be called â€Å"informer cases†.[9] One such case is discussed by both Prof Hart and Prof Fuller. The case is as under [10] In 1944 a German soldier came home from far front for a short visit. In his conversation with his wife he criticized the Hitler government and Nazi Party. He even expressed his dismay that the man who attempted to assassinate Hitler did not succeed. During his long absence there were other men in her life and hence she was keen to get rid of her husband. After his departure to war front the wife reported his remarks to the local leader of the Nazi party. The husband was tried by a military tribunal and sentenced to death. However he was not executed. After a short period of imprisonment, he was sent to the front again. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, a case was initiated against for illegally depriving the husband of his freedom. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, the wife was brought to trial for having procured unlawfully the imprisonment of her husband. The wife’s defense was that she was required to furnish such information to the authorities under the Nazi statutes and she did not commit any crime. The court of appeal which decided the case held that the statute under which the wife was claiming protection was contrary to the sound conscience and sense of justice of all decent human beings.[11] Hence it was reasoned that she could not be given protection under such statute. This reasoning became a precedent in many other informer cases. This reasoning was followed in many cases which have been hailed as a triumph of the doctrines of natural law and as signaling the overthrow of positivism.[12] According to Prof Hart there were only two options: a) to let the woman go free because the statute protected her; b) to make a retrospective legislation repealing the statute under which she claimed protection.[13] Because retrospective legislation is anathema in most criminal justice system the woman should have been allowed to go free if integrity of judicial principles was to be preserved. Prof Hart considers it a cardinal mistake of the Court of Appeal to introduce the concept of morality of the law, under which she was claiming protection, to say that law was no law at all. Professor Hart’s views Prof Hart believes in the theories of law as put forward by jurists like Bentham and Austin. These jurists propounded utilitarian theory of law. Bentham and Austin, constantly insisted on the need to distinguish, firmly and with the maximum of clarity, law as it is from law as it ought to be.[14] Austin formulated the doctrine: The existence of law is one thing; its merit or demerit is another.[15] A judge deciding a case should go by law as it is. Prof. Hart points out that all cases may not fall exactly within the law as it is which he calls the ‘core’. There will be cases in the penumbra of law. Hart’s view is that morals can be an influential factor in deciding cases in the penumbra. Bentham criticized Natural Law theory on the ground that â€Å"the natural tendency of such a doctrine is to impel a man, by the force of conscience, to rise up in arms against any law whatever that he happens not to like†.[16] Bentham also feared that under natural law theory courts might be legally bound to decide in accordance with what they thought just or best.[17] Such an approach can lead to all round confusion. Prof Hart presents the discussion of separation of law and morals as a problem of separating â€Å"law as it is† and â€Å"law as it ought to be†. He criticizes natural law thinkers for ignoring this difference. â€Å"Prof Hart identifies the essentials of positivism as the following:[18] (i) The contention that laws are commands of human beings, (ii) The contention that there is no necessary connection between law and morals or law as it is and ought to be (iii) A legal system is a â€Å"closed logical system† in which correct legal decisions can be deduced by logical means from predetermined legal rules without reference to social aims, policies, moral standards, Prof Hart also deals with the issue lack of precision in the words used in any human language and the role of this factor in judicial interpretation. While applying legal rules to the facts of a case it become necessary quite often to decide the meaning of the words in a statute and to decide whether the words used covers the facts to be decided. Sometime â€Å"standard instances† of the words may not be sufficient to give proper effect to the law. Prof Hart calls these as â€Å"problems of the penumbra†.[19] Problems of penumbra cannot be solved by logical deduction. The criterion which makes a decision sound in such cases is some concept of what the law ought to be.[20] This is where a moral judgment is made about what law ought to be. This is called by Prof. Hart as necessary â€Å"intersection between law and morals†.[21] Prof Fuller’s views: Fuller on the other hand believes in the Natural Theory of Law and the moral foundations of a legal order. So for him law should always conform to the idea of God’s justice. He emphasizes the view point that fidelity to law can be achieved only if law is consistent with morals at all stages that is during its making and during its application by the court whether the case is in the core or the penumbra of law. The primary concern of Prof Hart is to preserve the integrity of the concept of law.[22] For Prof Fuller fidelity to law is of utmost importance. He argues that there will be fidelity to law only if laws are consistent with moral values of the people who have to follow law. People comply with law only if they are convinced that the law is for common good. That is to say for achieving fidelity to law, Law should have moral foundations. The Balance The conflict between law and morals came to sharp focus in the predicament faced by the German Court after the collapse of the Nazi Regime. It was not possible to declare all the laws made by the Nazi regime and actions of citizens in conformity with such laws to be illegal. This would have resulted in total destabilization of the society. On the other hand some of the laws made by Nazi regime was so repulsive to human morals that there was a need for disapproving actions taken in conformity with such wicked laws. There was also a need to send a message that the new regime does not approve all the wicked laws of the Nazi regime Thus on the one hand, there was a moral duty to obey law. On the other hand, there was a moral duty to do what people thought (after the war) was right and decent. The fundamental postulate of positivism that law must be strictly severed from morality seems to deny the possibility of any bridge between the obligation to obey law and other moral obligations.[23] Thus the German Courts faced a serious dilemma in restoring both respect for law and respect for justice. Essentially Radbruch saw the dilemma as that of meeting the demands of order, on the one hand, and those of good order, on the other.[24] Order by itself is no good unless it serves some purpose for the society. So we should not get obsessed with just order. At the same time in the process of seeking good order we should lose order itself leading to anarchy. As we seek to make our order good, we can remind ourselves that justice itself is impossible without order, and that we must not lose order itself in the attempt to make it good.[25] Thus we must strive for a balance. Homosexuality: â€Å"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve†[26] This quote summarises the attitude of morality developed along the lines of religion with regard to homosexuality. The Church has always condemned the practice of homosexuality vehemently. The Bible preaches that a man may not lie with a man in a way he lies with a woman.[27] Unlike the West, the Hindu society does not have the concept of sexual orientation that classifies males on the basis of who they desire. However, there is a strong, ancient concept of third gender, which is for individuals who have strong elements of both male and female in them. Sexuality between men (as distinct from third genders) has nevertheless thrived, mostly unspoken, informally, within mens spaces, without being seen as different in the way its seen in the West. [28] In India homosexuality was criminalized in 1861 by the Britishers through Section 377 of the India Penal Code. It criminalized carnal intercourse. Contemporary to the global movements for giving rights to the homosexuals, the Indian movement has also been running. In 2009 it got a huge success when the High Court of Delhi in Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT Delhi ruled the Section 377 of IPC as unconstitutional and thus decriminalized homosexuality. But in 2013 the Supreme Court of India overruled the judgement of the High Court of Delhi and recriminalized homosexuality. In the modern Indian society those opposing homosexuality argue that it is against morality and Indian culture. However if one delves into history one would easily find out that this homophobia was part of a more generalized attack on Indian sexual mores and practices undertaken by British missionaries as well as educators. It is evident not only in the anti-sodomy law introduced by the British in the Indian Penal Code of 1860 but also in the deliberate heterosexualization of entire literary canons and genres. This is one reason why modern institutions such as the police force, and educational as well as religious organizations today typically respond to same-sex unions with horror and even violence.[29] Thus, a slow and gradual change in morals lead to an inherent opposition among a large of population against homosexuality. This subsequently impacted the law as well. These acts of consensual homosexuality, which was once recognized as acceptable in the society thus became totally unacceptable. The major argument against the validity of Section 377 of the IPC in the Naz Foundation cases was that it violated right to life under Article 21, since the acts were consensual acts. Thus it was argued that since this rule violated a constitutional law which are part of the very basic laws of the land, the section should be declared void. However, on the other hand inspite of the fact that Section 377 of IPC is not contained in the chapter of offences against morality and is instead contained in the chapter on offences against body it was argued that these acts violated morality. Finally Section 377 was declared to be valid by the Supreme Court. Thus it is quite clear morality influenced the law against homosexuality. [1] Steven Shavell, Law versus Morality as Regulators of Conduct, 4 American Law Economic Review at 229. [2] Ibid. [3] Morality, Business Dictionary, , Accessed On 18th March, 2015. [4] Jurisprudence Law and Morality, Marquette Law Review, 1953, Vol 36, 319. [5] Steven Shavell, Law versus Morality as Regulators of Conduct, 4 American Law Economic Review at 230. [6] Ibid. [7] Supra note 5 at 232. [8] H.L.A. Hart, Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals, 71 Harvard.Law.Review, 616 (1958) [9] Lon L. Fuller, Positivism and Fidelity to Law -A Reply to Professor Hart, 71 Harvarad Law Review, 658 (1958) [10] Supra note 8 at 618-619. [11] Supra note 8 at 619. [12] Ibid [13] Ibid [14] Supra note 8 at 594. [15] Id at 596. [16] Ibid.; See also BENTHAM. , A COMMENT ON THE COMMENTAR1ES 49 (1928) [17] Id. At 599. [18] Supra note 8 at 601-602. [19] Id. At 607. [20] Supra note 8 at 608. [21] Ibid. [22] Supra note 9 at 635. [23] Supra note 9 at 656. [24] Supra note 9 at 657. [25] Ibid. [26] Victoria Clarke, What about the children? arguments against lesbian and gay parenting,Womens Studies International Forums, 555-570 (2001) [27] Tennessee Nashville, The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 161G (The United Methodist Publishing House 2010). [28] S Asthana and R. Oostvogels , The social construction of male homosexuality in India, February 15th 2014, [29] Ruth Vanita, Same-sex wedings, Hindu traditions and modern India, Feminist Review, No. 91, pp. 47-60, (2009) Customer Care: Hilton Green Park Hotel Customer Care: Hilton Green Park Hotel The hotel that I have chosen is Hilton London Green Park Hotel. This hotel is situated approximately 45 minutes from Heathrow airport via tube and is located within the easy reach of all the local tourist attractions and major business centres a perfect combination of business as well as for tourist visit in London.(55) It majorly lies between two streets that is the oxford street and the Edgware road which connects to majority of the streets leading to central London and other parts. This makes it convenient for the people who want to go for meetings and or visit a potential business site. The interiors of the hotel are very classy and make it easy for a business traveller to get the max of what he wants, the entire hotel is non-smoking one and has a business centre to hold meetings right at the comfort of the hotel. Majority of the guests that frequent this hotel are tourist as this hotel lies exactly at the heart of London and majority of the tourist attractions like the Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Trafalgar square, oxford circus, etc are within the easy reach. The hotel has a full fledged concierge service which assists the guests in finding the best possible routes for guests and also gives them suggestions on which place they should visit and how can they go about. But many of the tourists dont like the fact that the entire hotel is a non-smoking hotel and also it has only 1 restaurant and 1 bar and has no other variety which the guest can see or experience, but just because of its brand and the location it still goes ahead and attracts a lot of people. (295) Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximise your customers satisfaction with your business. It should be a prime consideration for every business your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy. (Business Link). What is customer care. Customer Care Policies are an integral part of any functioning business, there has to be some set rules and procedure which will act like a guide in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the hotel and more importantly lead to a customer satisfaction which is the top priority of any organisation. Depending on the type of organisation the types of services that may be offered might differ which includes but is not limited to telephone, help desks, after sales, service recovery, or may be a simple face to face conversation but all that matters is that the guests problems are given a ear and that they feel important and worth the stay. Today the market is very competent and the guests have a variety of choice to make so it is very important that companies have to go ahead and capture a major stake in the market and that is possible only if you retain the guest. Retention is only possible when the guest is satisfied and to be more elaborate the company today has to go beyond expectations or rather exceed expectations and that is possible only with strong customer care policies and it needs to be strictly adhered to and practiced devotionally. Abraham Lincoln once said I never had a policy; I just tried to do my very best each and every day so sometimes its not only about the policy but its on how you go beyond the policy to help the guests and thats what makes a lasting impression on the guests minds and he will certainly be a repeat guest for you.(400) Three customer care policies in Hilton London Green Park Hotel Quick and fast: As mentioned earlier this hotel usually caters to the needs of the business travellers and clients and hence they lay more emphasis on the needs of these guests by providing them quick check-ins and taking pre-authorisations (if required). Some of the basic things that they pay attention to are:- Giving them quite rooms away from the city roads, elevators and areas from where noise can be expected as these guests usually just come in for a night take rest and then leave for another destination. Providing them with the facilities of early breakfast in their rooms and giving them express check out facilities. Business travellers and guests are given more attention in terms of any grievances that they may have and hence service recovery procedures are in place which includes giving them free wine bottle, upgrades, or may even include a free night depending on the situation. Feel like home: It is said a hotel is a home away from home and hence this hotel emphasises on all the guest coming to this hotel for leisure and recreation purposes and hence the guest is preferably given a room which faces towards the city or has a park view but in either case the guest is asked for the preference of his/her room. The beds are designed in such a way that a family of three (including a kid) can easily manage to sleep on the bed. Local sightseeing and local runs are arranged by the concierge as per request. The facility to provide an extra bed/cot at a nominal rate is also available. What makes it more competitive and interesting is that all the children aged 18yrs and below get to stay free if they are accompanied by their parents or grandparents and children aged 10 years and below get their meals and drinks free plus there is a garden where the kids can spend their time. Feel like a king: This is one policy that Hilton hotel always emphasises on, knowing what the guest wants or expects and that too at the right time makes you a winner in the market segment. The hotel maintains a proper guest profile which includes some personal information about their choices and also about their birthdates etc. So if the guest is staying with them on their birthdays or their anniversary then they send them greeting cards, some gift hampers or a simple wine bottle to say we are happy for you. The gifts might not be that expensive in terms of the investment done by the guests but yes this is enough to wow a guest and will make him feel a part of the family. Also the long stayers and frequent visitors are contacted on regular basis and they are informed of any special promotions or offers that the hotel might be running at the moment. Effectiveness of customer care policies in the hotel Whenever a policy is in place it is of utmost importance that it needs to be evaluated for its effectiveness and whether that particular policy is really working for the organisation or not. Now this could be done in variety of ways which included taking customer feedback, polls, opinion surveys, etc these things makes the organisation realise where exactly they stand and what best could be done to prevent that. Most of the hotels usually focus on retaining the guests but Sarah Cook in her book Customer Care Excellence mentions that it is equally important to record the customer retention rate and also to analyse it on frequent basis. Hilton establishes a system called Hilton honours in which it can find out responses from its guests and what they are expecting in terms of hospitality organisation and also another program called Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking (SALT) where they keep a constant track on how many guests returned back home satisfied and how many of them will be coming back to the hotel. This helps in identifying where they currently stand and how it is going to affect their business in the long run. Steel Industry in China | Analysis Steel Industry in China | Analysis Introduction Steel industry concerns to be a important basic industry influences a country’s national economic and the overall national strength. The development of steel industry has directly related to defense industry, construction industry, machinery industry, shipbuilding industry, car industry, household electrical appliance industry, and other industries. In recent years, Chinas steel industry structure has been optimized, the process on elimination of backward production capacity smoothly; industrial concentration has continuously improved; and the industrial layout has been optimized. At present, Chinas steel industry dominated the formation of large enterprises, and SMEs coexist production organization pattern. The steel industry layout gradually close the strategic layout of the changes in the market to international and domestic resources. Chinas steel industry has rapid development of foreign trade; the exports of steel product structure was further optimized; export countries and regions are continue to expand. It achieved changing from a net importer to a net exporter. Even though the steel industry looks been recovered, and the government put a lot of efforts inside, it still have many problems to solve. I will do some background research of steel industry in china and find out the problem china steel industry will face especially the problem they faced during the recovery after 2008 economic crisis. In additional I will also try to find out the reason which lead to those problems and how China steel companies faced this situation and what is their solutions. In this project, firstly I will analyze, evaluate, and summarize scholarly materials link to China industry. However, this proposal will just analysis three parts: pollution problem, the contradiction between industry demand and supply, and the forecast of the industry’s develop. Then it will demonstrate the main objective of this whole project. After that I will examine the methodology and methods I will use in future project, such as what kind of data I will use and how the data will be analysis. Later, I will draw some limitations and problems may faced during the research. Finally the discussion and conclusion will show the result I have got currently. Literature review With the shift of international industry and the rapid development of China economic, as Sheng and Song (2012) said, â€Å"rapid expansion of China’s steel industry has been remarkable in terms of both the speed and scale of its development.† Liang, Zhang, Fujita, Ohnishi, Li, Fujii, and Dong (2013) mentioned that the total production of crude steel in China had grown from 95.36 million tons to 567.84 million tons from 1995 to 2009, and become the world’s largest producer. In 2012, China has produced 716.54 millions of crude steel, grew by 3.1 percent on last years same period; production of steel (including repeated material) 951.86 million tons, grew by 7.7 percent on last years same period. From January to November of 2013, china had produced 712.86 million of crude steel, grew by 7.8 percent on last years same period. production of steel 978.78 million tons, grew by 11.5 percent on last years same period. However, these kind of development has a price to pay. As Pauliuk, Milford, MuÃÅ'ˆller, and Allwood(2013) said, 25 per cent of ca. industrial and 9 per cent of anthropogenic energy and process related greenhouse gas emission are accounted for steel production. In order to mitigate the climate change, the future production growth of steel may decline. Ma, Evans, Fuller and Stewart (2002) pointed out that steel industry is energy intensive. The expansion of China has resulted a large increase in energy input, especially from the coal. This leads to several environmental problems. Liang, Zhang, Fujita, Ohnishi, Li, Fujii, and Dong(2013) also pointed out that the booming energy consumption and environmental pollution emissions are serious problems for steel industry. The co2 emission (1.17 billion tons) of china steel industry weighted 16.29 per cent of Chinese total co2 emission in 2009. Its nearly equal to Japanese co2 emission(1.2 billion tons); and it also share half of the worl d steel industry’s co2 emission. The danger of those environment has been recognized by Chinese government, in order to solve these problems, they have came out many policies, with particular emphasis on the energy- intensive heavy industries. After that, the energy consumption per unit of output of steel industry has declined. Mohanty’s(1997) research has showed that the government’s energy conservation program is the most important reason of this decline. Marketline(2013) examined that the steel market consists of the production of crude steel in the stated country or region. Influenced by 2008 world economic crisis, China steel industry has also suffered a depression. After that, it recovered from a contraction in value in 2009, the Chinese steel market posted a double digit growth in the 2010-11 period. The compound annual growth rate(CARC) of the market was 9.3% in the period 2008–12. However, the market declined again in 2012 because of the price falling. It shrank by 2.9% in 2012 and reached a value of $530,838.2 million. This total revenues representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3% between 2008 and 2012. During this period, the Japanese market declined with a compound annual rate of change of -2.6%, and the Indian market increased with CAGR of 7.5% Even though the production have recovered to a double digit growth during this period, the market supply is not recovery as fast as the production. This caused significant increase of the steel storage, the contradiction between industry demand and supply get worse. This situation leads to falling of the steel price. However, the current situation of steel industry is not very optimistic. The forecast of 2012-2017 is still hopefully. The markets volume is expected to rise to 988.0 million units by the end of 2017, representing a CAGR of 6.6% for the 2012-2017 period. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 8.7% for the five-year period 2012 2017, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $806.8bn by the end of 2017. Comparatively, the Japanese and Indian markets will grow with CAGRs of 2.6% and 7.5% respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $90.1bn and $82.4bn in 2017. ( Marketline, 2013) Research Questions and Objectives The research aims to address the following research questions: What is the circumstance of the development of china steel industry from 1990s’? What is the problems china steel industry faced? How can china steel industry fully recovery from the economic crisis? What is a good way for Chinese company related to steel to survive under current situation. This research aim to compare the situation before and after 2008 global economic crisis. In additional, it aim to find out the problems steel industry faced after the crisis and the reason cause these problems, and then the solution for these problems Methodology 3.1  Data collection Two types of research are used in this article. These are primary research and secondary research respectively. The primary resource is from questionnaire and interview. In this research, I will try to collected the primary data through the use of a self-administered questionnaire . The questionnaires will be distributed to the sampled respondents through a combination of the Internet and face to face interview as appropriate. Distribution through the Internet is expected to be more secured and cost effective. The secondary resource is search for information from other people’s opinion, such as library website, reading academic books and journal articles. The above section which is the literature review is the secondary resource. There are three types of data, which are quantitative data, qualitative data and mixed data. These are the tools of measure in aspect of questionnaire, the quantitative will be used in the closed questions of questionnaire, and it could better to collect the information whether people prefer to choose some aspects, and it also could illustrate the trend of this problem. The qualitative could match the opened questions of questionnaire, it because could determine the nature of people, it could better to research the suggestions or reasons, detailed data is collected through open questions that provide direct choice. This is different the quantitative, quantitative is to through the limited and objective method to compare and predictions, and find the trend of problems. Furthermore, the mixed data is both quantitative and qualitative. Data analysis Firstly, regarding of the primary research, results of questionnaire was collected, and graphs were used, such as pie charts, bar charts and tables. Statistical data which is from questionnaire shows consequence of what is found. Secondly, regarding of the secondary research, notes of relevant sections was taken and summarized, critical, analysis. Finally, comparing primary and secondary resource, they are similar or not. Analyzing reasons why the consequence is similar or not. Limitations and problems of the research Firstly, during this research, the primary data collection may face a big problem. This is because the topic of this project is about steel industry analysis. I think it is hard to design a questionnaire which most of people will have their answer easily. This topic is not a topic that most of people will pay attention and familiar with. Therefore, when I collect the primary data, may face some people are not familiar with, this will cause the decrease of data’s reality. Secondly, the territory limitation also concern to a problem. This research is focus on steel industry in china, whereby the project will finish in UK. When I collect primary data, may face the problem of local people may not familiar with China’s economic situation. At the same time, big amount of secondary data are in Chinese which I cannot use in this project. However, I can benefit from reading Chinese data, it help me to understand more and consider more about this topic. Finally, the language barrier concerns to a big problem I faced during doing this project. English is not my mother tongue make me face more difficulties during reading secondary data. Sometimes I will misunderstanding the sentences, also it include many academic vocabulary which I cannot understand as well. Conclusion In conclude, as the research I currently get, one of problem the china steel industry faced is the environment pollution. Accompany with government control, pollution do has reduced. However, government control is a passive way for steel industry to change. At the same time, steel industry should recognize this problem by itself, and try to improve the way of production in order to reduce the pollution. Second problem has been analyzed in the proposal is the contradiction between industry demand and supply. This is a big problem china steel industry faced. The supply significantly exceeds demand. It leads to the price of steel continuous falling down and may become a vicious. However, according to government’s macro-control and the change of global market, we should hold a positive attitude towards to the future. References: 1. 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Friday, September 20, 2019

The Difficult Life of the 19th Century Scandinavian Essay -- History,

In the present day, Scandinavian countries are generally viewed as prosperous, progressive, and egalitarian societies. The citizens of these nations are largely urbanized and receive significant social assistance from the welfare state. However, life in 19th century Scandinavia was markedly different. Scandinavian social life in the 1800s was defined by its provincial character, as the majority of inhabitants resided in rural agricultural communities. Society as a whole was heavily stratified: women had very limited social and economic opportunities and poverty was widespread among Scandinavia’s common citizens. Thus, life in 19th century Scandinavia was generally difficult, and this fact is revealed in the books and films that chronicle social life during this time period. Though Scandinavian nations are currently considered to be some of the most equitable countries in the world, 19th century Scandinavian societies were characterized by rigid social hierarchies. As Nordstrom depicts in his history of Scandinavia, those who lived during this time period rarely advanced beyond the social and economic positions that they were born into (Nordstrom, 2000: 166). Vilhelm Moberg’s novel The Emigrants further illustrates this point through its portrayal of a rural Swedish parish in the mid 1800s. Moberg describes how generation after generation within a single family labored as farmers on the same land. He suggests that this pattern persisted for centuries, only to be disrupted by the mass migrations that took place in the middle of the 19th century (Moberg, 1949: xxvii). The information presented in Nordstrom’s book echoes the localized and provincial nature of Scandinavian villages described by Moberg. Before the technolog... ...en and the common laborer. Wealth and privilege were mainly dictated by birth and enjoyed by a select few. The agrarian masses, on the other hand, generally endured poverty and extreme hardship. Women’s lives were also tremendously difficult, as they had essentially zero social or economic independence from men and minimal opportunities for education. The generally poor quality of life faced by most 19th century Scandinavians inspired many of these citizens to seek a better existence by immigrating to America. Ironically, the countries that were left behind by these suffering immigrants are generally considered to have achieved a far higher quality of life than is experienced by the average American. Considering the hard lives endured by most Scandinavians in the 1800s, the progress that has been made in this region over the past century is truly remarkable.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mike Tyson Essay -- Biography Biographies Papers

Mike Tyson Mike Tyson, the youngest ever heavyweight boxing champion of the world was born in a ghetto in the state of New York. His Father departed the family home two years after his birth, leaving his Mother to raise three children with very limited financial means. Subsequently, his Mother found a new partner who was abusive and violent. She then turned to alcohol in an attempt to escape from her existence. Michael, now aged five years, felt neglected and unloved by her but at this time he was unaware that his Mother was suffering from terminal cancer. (Gutteridge & Giller, 1996) Tormented by older children because of his high-pitched voice and clothes from a school charity group, Tyson learned quickly that he could retaliate against the bullies if he physically assaulted them. (Gutteridge & Giller, 1996) Tyson joined street gangs and was arrested for thirty crimes ranging from theft to assault before the age of twelve. Sentenced to a Juvenile Delinquents Centre for two years for mugging a young female, Tyson spent his time in prison learning the sport of boxing. Upon release, Cus D’Amato, a boxing manager and promoter, legally adopted Tyson and provided a stable environment and family atmosphere. â€Å"The following five years were the happiest and most contented Tyson had ever felt†. (Hoffer, 1998, p61) While Tyson was working towards winning the junior Olympic championship, D’Amato died leaving Tyson feeling devastated and alone. Turning professional a year later, Tyson went on to win the world heavyweight boxing championship aged only twenty years old. Once again, Tyson’s behaviour became increasingly errati... ... Fradiman, J. & Frager, R. (1994) Personality & Personal Growth. Harper Collins: N Y Gutteridge, R & Giller, N. (1996 ) Mike Tyson. The release of Power. Queen Anne Press : Herts Hoffer, R, (1998) A Savage Business, The come Back and Come Down of Tyson. Simon & Schuster : New York Hough, M. (1998) Counselling Skills & Theory. Hodder & Sloughton : London Mischel, W. (1976) Introduction to Personality. 2nd Edition Holt, Rinehart & Winston : London Ryckman, R.M. (2004) Theories of Personality. Thomson Wadsworth : U.K. Scott, P. & Spencer, C. (1998) Psychology. A Contemporary Introduction. Blackwell : Oxford Lane, M. (2004) Can a lottery win make you happy? BBC News on Line Magazine. Accessed: Nov 10th at 10am.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Abortion :: essays research papers

Abortion. Is there any other word that creates such hatred and charged emotion? The word abortion means â€Å"the loss or removal of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the mother’s body† (Day 7). The meaning of abortion, however, is completely different. To people who are pro-life, abortion is a vicious and murderous word dripping in blood and disgust. To people who are pro-choice the word is just as emotional. It represents women being able to control their own thoughts, feelings, bodies, and futures. The question facing Americans today is, "Should abortions be illegal for women to obtain?" The government cannot have control over a woman’s body. It is her body and her rights. The freedom to make choices and decisions for ourselves is part of the foundation of our nation. To deny the basic freedom rights that our forefathers fought to obtain for America is a step backward, not forwards. Once the government can control the individual lives of people, where would it stop? Ending abortions is not the answer; abortions should remain a legal choice in the United States. Many pro-life advocates feel that abortion is murder. While they may have arguments to support this fact, the truth is, a fetus is not a living person. It cannot feel pain or live outside of the mother’s body. Pain in a human starts as an electrical signal in the body’s pain receptors. In a fetus, the pain receptors develop around seven weeks after conception, long after an abortion would occur. Many pro-life advocates claim the fetus can feel pain while these systems are partly formed and forming. Pro-choice advocates feel that it is necessary for the synaptic connections within the fetus’ brain to develop in order to feel pain (Planned Parenthood). The issue is so heavily biased by a pro-life/pro-choice stance that even the debaters are incapable of making objective observations. A panel of experts appointed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists addressed the issue of fetal pain. The panel consisted of experts in fetal development, law an d bioethics. They obtained experts with both views on abortion so as to eliminate the bias that had occurred with the issue thus far. The group determined that a fetus could only feel pain after the nerve connections become established between two parts of the brain: the cortex and the thalamus. This happens about twenty-six weeks after conception.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Charge of the Light Brigade and the Last of the Light Brigade Essay

The themes of The Charge of the Light Brigade and The Last of the Light Brigade both have to deal with soldiers battling for their country; however, the key difference that separates the two is that the theme of The Charge of the Light Brigade has more of a positive tone than The Last of the Light Brigade The themes of both The Charge of the Light Brigade and The Last of the Light Brigade bot have to deal with soldiers battling for their country; however, the tone of the two different poems is different that differentiate the two. In The Charge of the Light Brigade, the tone of the poem has more of a positive aspect: â€Å"Boldy they rode and well,/Into the jaws of Death,/Into the mouth of Hell/Rode the six hundred,†(Paragraph 3, line 6-8). This shows how they boldly rode into battle, which is a more of a positive connotation because they are doing an act of bravery for their country. In this instance, the people in The Charge of the Light Brigade were portrayed in a more positive aspect than the latter. Another key contrast between these two poems is that the connotation and the diction they used is quite different. In The Last of the Light Brigade, they use diction that conveys the tone of melancholy and depression, whereas The Charge of the Light Brigade has a more positive aspect. â€Å"They had neither food nor money, they had neither service nor trade;/They were only shiftless soldiers, the Last of the Light Brigade,†(Lines 3-4). This gives the poem a more desolate tone by saying they did not have money or food, and that is the words that the author uses to convey the message in the poem, whereas The Charge of the Light Brigade use more positive diction that gives the reader a sense of optimism. â€Å"Storm’d at with and shot and shell,/ boldly they rode and well,†(21-22). In this aspect, it shows that the soldiers were given a more positive aspect just by the words they used compared to the Last of the Light Brigade, which is a more desolate poem due to the words they chose. Overall, the poem is very similar in many aspects, but the differences keep these poems extremely distinct from each other. They all have to do with battle, but the diction and themes in both poems causes them to be different from each other.